3.3.2006, 6:31:17, Mark Loeser wrote:

> Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> one thing i dont think we give enough emphasis to is that our tools arent 
>> perfect ... sometimes we utilize QA violations to work around portage 
>> limitations ... if you want to see some really sweet hacks, review any of 
>> the 
>> toolchain related ebuilds and the hacks ive had to add to get 
>> cross-compiling 
>> to the usuable state that it is today.  a handful of them would fall under 
>> the 'severe' category i'm sure.  and if we want to use the lovely php 
>> example, personally i think that given portage's current limitations, the 
>> latest dev-lang/php ebuild is probably one of the best solutions that could 
>> have been developed, thanks Stuart for all the flak you've had to take over 
>> this.  also, many games ebuilds break the 'non-interactive' policy by 
>> displaying licensing and making the user hit "Y" because portage lacks 
>> checks 
>> where the user explicitly states what licenses they accept.

> This somewhat touchs on what pauldv mentioned earlier, that we will
> acknowledge when no better possible solution is available, and some
> "workaround" is needed.  As he also suggested, we should keep a list of
> these in the form of open bugs so that we can get a better solution
> somewhere in the long-term.

Please, until something is clarified/some consent reached, avoid changing
the docs w/ funny stuff like "just flip a coin"...


What's the above again? QA policy? How does user benefit from flipping a
coin wrt choosing a functionality? Sigh...  :/

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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