Lance Albertson wrote:

> I should note that if are a Gentoo Developer and have
> problems/concerns/issues with Ciaran's attitude/actions, please comment
> on bug #114944. (this bug is only open to Gentoo developers). Its better
> if you say it yourself in this bug rather than letting other people
> quoting what you say.

Since some people may read this the wrong way, let me please clarify.

If you have *anything* (good or bad) to add to the bug, please feel free
to (If you're a developer). I'm not trying to single out one developer,
rather I felt that informing developers about it (since there has been a
lot of frustration shown on this list) was a good idea.

Sorry if it seemed more biased one way or the other. It was not my
intention at all. I assumed people would read that and realize that they
could also add good comments if they wanted to.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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