Hi all, I'm currently heavily involved with jabber-related packages. As a result I have to struggle with the really seldomn maintained packages in Gentoo. As an example: ejabberd 1.0 is not in portage until now, it was released in early december last year. There is not really a reason for this, because it runs (with a few modifications) stable and could be used in production. Another issue are transports. As you know there are only two flavours of Jabber-transports: rotten or broken. But as a result of introducing the py*-t-transports things become better, but: Gentoo did not have them. There is an really outdated version of pymsn around there (as a low-quality ebuild, btw.) and some ebuilds in the wild[1], but they are still lower quality (installing dot-svn-files, complete strange installation target and so on).
To come to an end: jabber is not really the most unimportant thing, so things should go better. I want to provide my ebuilds[2] for Gentoo's main tree and I would also offer my help on jabber-stuff (if it's need and it's not just a matter of motivation or so). Anyway, it must become better. [1]http://gentoo.zugaina.org/net-im.html.en [2]http://svn.breakmygentoo.net/bmg-main/net-im/ejabberd/ejabberd-1.0.0-r1.ebuild http://svn.breakmygentoo.net/bmg-main/net-im/pymsn-t/pymsn-t-0.11a.ebuild http://svn.breakmygentoo.net/bmg-main/net-im/pyicq-t/pyicq-t-0.7.ebuild Sincerley, Lars Strojny -- "Kriterium des Wahren ist nicht seine unmittelbare Kommunizierbarkeit an jedermann" -- Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, aus: »Negative Dialektik« name: Lars H. Strojny web: http://strojny.net street: Engelsstraße 23 blog: http://usrportage.de city: D-51103 Köln mail/jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] f-print: 1FD5 D8EE D996 8E3E 1417 328A 240F 17EB 0263 AC07
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