On Monday 13 February 2006 00:24, Daniel Drake wrote:
> Maybe not if you have already done the work. I was thinking more of the
> scenario, upstream does a release. You are on the mailing list so you
> know about the new version. You decide you'll bump it in portage tomorrow.
> Overnight, someone files a request for a version bump. Maybe they attach
> a new ebuild or state that the existing one needs bumping.
This is a scenario quite good... if it wasn't that at least myself I see it 
rarely :)

Rarely because if I see a bump, I'm already starting testing it usually. 
Yesterday I finished amaroK's bump while I was eating dinner :P

In amaroK's case, anyway, there's no problem to know if it has relesed: 
upstream releases always in time, providing packagers with candidates to 
release, allowing to prepare stuff before actual release.. the release is 
also broadcasted in their homepage, on [EMAIL PROTECTED], on KDE-Apps, on 
kde-extra-gear mailing list, usually on Planet KDE, too....
Really, I don't need bugs to remember me to bump it.

Mostly the same for k3b.. it's released and then announced on kde-extra-gear, 
KDE-Apps, SourceForge, ..

I can be very thankful if someone would let me know when ALSA gets released as 
the upstream send mail to -announce once in a blue moon instead..

> That is a fair point, and if you can't afford to spend the time on it
> then I'm not complaining. However, there are situations where this can
> *save* you time.
I try to explain why I did some changes before committing or why I didn't use 
a given fix usually, I also try to provide documentation of what I do and why 
I do it that way (see maintainers' guides, that nobody else seems to want).
But really, if I get a bug for a thing to be fixed, I try to fix it right 
away... sometimes if I don't have time in that moment I leave a comment 
telling where or what to look for..not like there's always someone ready to 
fix :)
If I start thinking "this bug I'll fix later and provide just pointers to 
users, I'm sure I'm going to forget about it. I actually did that already :)

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/
Gentoo/ALT lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE

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