On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 10:41:04PM -0700, Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Klaus-J. Wolf posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted
> below,  on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 03:37:25 +0100:
> > Would you please discuss a GLEP draft, which I believe it might improve 
> > the usability of Gentoo?
> > 
> > Text at:
> > 
> > http://www.seismic.de/gentoo/gentoo_mask_proposal.html
> I'm just a user, not a dev, myself, so take this as you will, but the
> general idea is the same sort of ultra-stable enterprise stability
> targeted system that comes up for discussion here every so often, and
> already has various levels of workable and not-quite-so-workable proposals
> floating around.  This particular one's in the not-quite-so-workable camp,
> mainly because  (1) it doesn't work /with/ portage or the way things work
> now, but against it, in a number of ways (2) it doesn't consider the
> different speeds at which different packages move (this is the big one,
> there's likely never /been/ ten or even five versions of some packages
> that have existed since there /was/ a Gentoo), and (3) it doesn't really
> consider the way devs work.  Point of fact, it's particularly from a user
> perspective, not understanding a /lot/ about the "supply" side of the
> distribution mechanism, only the /user/ or /demand/ side.

Duncan, you make some valid points but for the sake of ease for the rest
of us, could you please try condense the mails down from several pages? :)

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