Hola all-

We've got a new portage dev; Alec Warner, aka antarus- aside from 
doc work, he'll be doing repoman work and the usual random bug 

His words-
I work at The Division of Engineering Computing Services at Michigan 
State University.  I serve primarily as an undergraduate web 
development slave.  I also contribute to administrating the unix 
environment although  I haven't quite succeeded in converting all our 
machines to Gentoo ;)

I am currently a senior, going after a Computer Science Bachelors 
with a cognate ( minor basically ) in Japanese.
GO gentoo-jp :)

My hobbies are (besides gentoo) slacking off on irc, playing RPG's on 
my PS2, playing DDR on weekends with friends, going out to eat 
(breaks my wallet :/) mini-golf, biking, reading books, watching 
family guy...I think that about covers it.

Please say hello to him, and start the usual process of trying to get 
him to implement your pet features ;)


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