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Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> Joshua Jackson wrote:
>> In the oldest version of the package (as all these were), I don't
>> see much point in the change. They will be removed within a
>> fairly short amount of time.
> Fairly short meaning what, 6 months? A lot of old ebuilds tend to
> stick around forever.
True, some older packages stay around longer then they probably
should, and was a exageration on my part but it does prove the point
that the check is somewhat superfluous for most users, since it seems
that most people (from a rough estimate of 2 years on the forums)
seems that 1month is about the outside for most people's updates. As
the point has been brought up about packages being in there longer,
it'd be interesting to write something to do a check for multiple
stable versions with a older version being >=6 months old. Something I
might go look into.
>> Secondary, you are suggesting that any dev who comes across a
>> modular x problem to fix it..even if this is a direct violation
>> of the guidelines set forth in the documentation?
> Which guidelines, exactly? I'm having trouble finding these vague
> guidelines to which you refer.
> I found one that said "If you make an internal, stylistic change to
> the ebuild that does not change any of the installed files, then
> there is no need to bump the revision number."
> I also found "When a package version has proved stable for
> sufficient time and the Gentoo maintainer of the package is
> confident that the upgrade will not break a regular Gentoo user's
> machine, then it can be moved from ~ARCH to ARCH," which, to my
> reading, can also apply to transferring ~arch modular X deps to
> stable.
> Thanks, Donnie
To quote one of the ebuild-quiz questions:  You wish to make a change
to an ebuild, but you checked the ChangeLogs and metadata.xml and it
appears to be maintained by someone else. How should you proceed?

A general response that is obtained from the documentation source
(either the unofficial dev guide or the developer doc's) Concerns
getting in contact with the maintainer before you make the changes.
Explaining the how and why and either asking them to take care of it
or asking for permission to do so. We've had many developers get
highly upset at another developer changing even a minor thing in their
ebuild...such as the simple changing of depends.

Bringing it back around to Mark's initial point, the check causes
extra work for a arch developer that would require stepping on another
herd/developers package's..this is a Relations nightmare. Not to
mention Quality Control implications it can have, something that I
think as a whole development community we've worked very hard at
improving vastly.
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