MIkey wrote:
>>>A bug, again, that the stage1 installation method was immune to,
>>How come? (I'm not familiar with toolchain.eclass at all.)
> Because the first pass of the bootstrap, that prepares a working gcc/glibc,
> uses the bootstrap USE flag and disables all but a few other basic USE
> flags.  There is no previous built in dependency problems once you
> correctly get past that bootstrap phase.  It is already assumed that you
> are upgrading to the latest toolchain during bootstrap.

How are USE flags related to the operation of toolchain.eclass,
especially calling `gcc-config`?

>>Aaaargh. You've mentioned "bug reports [...] on upgrading gcc via that
>>method". Got anything apropriate?
> Not following you...

You stated that there are some bugreports from users having troubles
with the upgrade guide, especially when following the quicker method.
Still waiting for them.


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