Alexandre Buisse wrote:
> Hi,
> for all of you who have been using latex on gentoo, here are some news
> on what is currently happening.
A news is a good news, glad that there is something happening.

> First of all, we have a new tetex (tetex-3.0_p1). It should have hit the
> mirrors this morning. This is not an official release from upstream
> (that would be 3.1) but a snapshot of their development tree that
> corrects some bugs with the autotools (see bug #113024). If we manage to
> solve the etex related problems (all the "Fatal error: I'm stymied"), it
> could be a good candidate for stabilisation.
> A very exciting package has been added to portage lately, but it's still
> quite experimental : dev-tex/mpm (only keyworded ~x86 and hard-masked at
> the moment). It's basically the MikTeX package manager adapted for unix
> systems. As the texmf tree is always organized in the same way, it can
> interact with tetex quite nicely. Basically, you tell it which package
> you want from CTAN and it installs it automatically. It has so far been
> tested by a few people, including me, and seems to work fine without
> corrupting anything. However, it needs a lot more testing before even
> going to ~arch. Please report bugs or success in bug #110494 if you give
> it a try.

What about having a g-ctan instead? Wasn't there one around, more or less
based on g-cpan?

> And, last but not least, a LaTeX doc began. It's still a very early
> draft but any (constructive) criticism and help is most welcome. The
> discussion happens in bug #118405 and the last draft can be found on my
> devpage (
Not sure how does the new tetex handle i18n, but less than a year ago I had
to use ptex to write Japanese (in euc-jp, AFAIR). There was some rumble
about UTF-8 support, but did it get in?

I have touched *tex only once (not very successfull because of i18n and
windoze interoperability) since I left the university, but might look back
again. XML--->PDF is a tempting path, but is yet to be developed to *tex


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