Ferris McCormick posted
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 19:04:19 +0000:

> B.    "Jurisdiction" --- why this is something for devrel to consider (policy
> violation or whatever).  This is a categorization of the report, not an
> argument why it is valid.  (This could be handled by a predefined set of
> reasons by an existing Bugzilla field similar to "Component," but
> currently it is not.)

An enumeration or list of examples would be rather helpful, here.  Since
you say it could be a predefined list, enumerating it in the RFC, or at
least giving a couple examples, shouldn't be unreasonable.  Keep in mind
that it's possible/likely the filer will have never filed something like
this before, so the vague guideline as stated simply isn't all that much
help.   You want it concrete, make it so.

Otherwise... unpleasant subject matter, but I'm glad someone's dealing
with it.  The rest seems reasonable enough.

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