Luis Medinas wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 12:54 -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
>>>>Devwiki is effectively inaccesable to non gentoo folks (whether in 
>>>>access, or in navigating the beast), thus it's a no go.
>>>>Any docs generated should be googable imo.
>>>We could start a public wiki displaying all herds and projects. It would
>>>be great to add some low level docs, herds/project goals, ideas and so.
>>>Even the users could be allowed to edit and share information.
>>Anything like that will need to be approved by the GDP and a GLEP.
>>Creating any sort of public wiki will basically halt the efforts of the
>>GDP which I'd rather not do. Not to mention deciding who would be
>>monitoring it and such (allocating people's time to it). I'm opposed to
>>any public wiki until the GDP states their opinion on it. Its their area
>>and I don't want to take it away from them.
> Indeed it's GDP area but to expose project goals, status and low level
> docs isn't even related with GDP. We can't maintain the high level of
> docs like GDP does and it's not even your goal. I think the public wiki
> idea will improve the communication between devs and users, add goals
> and show the status of projects. IMO GDP can't do much in this area
> simply because they don't have much to do about this and they have of
> course high level of docs to maintain.

I had thought about creating some kind of a site like this, but not
necessarily in a wiki form. I don't like the idea of letting users add
random docs. There's too much room for error and how do you deal with
accountability? There has to be a developer who either will take the
time to maintain it or accept responsibility for any errors it may have.
I like the idea of having an area for herds to keep track of their
internal thing, but I fear it will just end up replacing what the GDP
(and our www site) does. Its too easy for them to just start adding docs
there instead of on www because its 'too hard' to deal with guidexml.

If the issue here is guidexml, lets figure out the problem. We need to
define what exactly is the problem before we decide on an
implementation. Is the problem that there's no central place for herds
to put updates/goals/etc? Is the problem that there's no easy way for
users to submit new docs for people to use? Is the problem that guidexml
hampers development time with regard to creating docs and you wish to
have a better/easier way to create such docs?

Simply saying 'we need a public wiki' is great an all, but I'd rather
ask 'What problem(s) does the wiki solve' before we even get farther.
There might be better ways to solving the problem other than putting up
a wiki.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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