Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 17:32 -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
>><snip a bunch about binpkg>
>>I think a key thing that is missing is build info that is only kept on
>>the installed system. If we were to ever create a build server setup, we
>>need to be able to have multiple binpkg's of the same version depending
>>on differences between sub-arch, use flags, cflag differences, gcc
>>version differences, etc. The key one i'm after is use flags. I'm not
>>sure of the technical details behind it, but we need something to make
>>the binpkgs more useful outside of the local system. Having the ebuild
>>packed at the end is a great idea! I think its just time to extend the
>>format to include more and possibly add things for build servers.
> USE flags are stored in the package.  The main thing is that portage
> doesn't consider them, at all, unless you use --newuse, in which case if
> the USE flags do not match, it will not use the package and will compile
> from source.  We use this every day in Release Engineering with
> catalyst.

That maybe true, but if you're going to use such things on a build
server, you need to be able to have multiple tars of the same package
for the different use flags you may use. Maybe for one server setup I
need useflag foo, but another setup I don't need it. This central
repository needs to differentiate between those two needs. I know you
could make two separate binpkg dirs for those cases, but thats not
scalable at all. I was looking for something more generic.

To summarize, differentiating use flags in gentoo binary packages isn't
very scalable at the moment. A few rough ideas that just popped in my
head is either packing all of these versions into one tarball (not even
sure if thats feasible), or creating a hashed suffix based upon the
useflags enabled/disabled at the time that you append to the tarball name.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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