On 1/8/06, Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
happened to the central repository, I think that a central repository
for upcoming events critical to gentoo usage ought to be centrally
available. The GWN hasn't been up yet and I olnly read about the
apache upgrade in 2 of them. This GLEP makes sense as a LAST
RESORT, I would rathwer have one updatesd website in my rotation to get
news of version and package revisions that require configuration
changes. How this is set-up is up to infra, IMHO the home page
stinks at getting information out for new users eager to get into the
nitty gritty. The Doc project home page doesn't get updated very
often as I can tell and the projects page doesn't even have PHP or
amd64 listed. There ought to be a "main" package category listing
on a news page somewhere that ids upcoming changes and general goals
around the packagin and configuration as needed to help alert users
ahead of time. Frankly, if I was a server administrator, I would
rather be forced to install the newer apache specifiaclly in a SLOT and
get updates to the old style. Telling me at the point of
pre-installation only makes my job harder.On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 01:18:20PM +0100, Jan Kundrát wrote:
> Duncan wrote:
> > Because that code will be implemented in portage, and the portage dev
> > likely to implement it said it was a superfluous reference. =8^)
> >
> > Still, I'd prefer it referenced just for definition's sake, but when the
> > portage dev says it isn't a superfluous reference, and that particular
> > section is specifying portage implementation...
> Nope, that particular section is specifying methods of interaction
> between Portage and user.
It's not an issue.
So... no complaints, this means this *is* on the schedule for council,