Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò posted
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below, 
on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 12:23:52 +0100:

> On Friday 06 January 2006 09:37, Duncan wrote:
>> Well, for that matter, "distribution" is considered at least by my *BSD
>> friends, to be a peculiarly Linux term.  From their perspective, Linux has
>> 1001 "distributions", but they only have the one *BSD they choose to use.
> That's what we started changing. Gentoo/FreeBSD is by all means a FreeBSD 
> distribution (actually, PC-BSD started this a bit before of us).
> We didn't fork it to change the base system, we use FreeBSD basesystem and 
> portage, so it's not like others BSD.

And I definitely wish you well in your G/FBSD efforts, but when I
mentioned them on my local ISP's unix (*ix) group, the FBSD groupies
reaction was  "Yuck!"

Tell me, from someone who obviously has some FBSD experience, what
advantages does Gentoo/FreeBSD have over the normal FreeBSD?  Why would
someone use it who is currently using regular FreeBSD, and why are you
spending the time?  There are obviously reasons, as you're a very
talented person spending quite a bit of time on the project, but equally
obviously, I'm not familiar enough with them to make a good G/FBSD
representative, at this point.

(If you like and don't consider this topical for the list or thread, mail
me.  If I have the question, however, it's possible others do as well,
and just haven't asked, so maybe it is worth keeping to the list. 
Whatever.  /I'm/ interested, anyway.)


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