On Sat, Dec 31, 2005 at 14:08:18 +0100, Carsten Lohrke wrote:

> On Wednesday 28 December 2005 17:32, you wrote:
> > It's not supposed to break runtime dependencies.  Everything that was
> > installed before is installed now, in the same location.
> But installed by another package. Of course it breaks dependencies when you 
> depend on xpdf, because you expect it installs pdfinfo, but not that poppler 
> does. It's not that both xpdf and pooppler are installed on every system.

I don't see why. xpdf is a popular application and I use it everyday for
its lightweight and its speed, but that means I can't use, e.g. evince,
which is a nice replacement of ggv, and I also like to have many pdf
viewers, in case a document is not rendered well with one (and that
happens really often).

After my last sync, I have this new block between evince and xpdf, which
is a problem at least to me.

Isn't there any way to make xpdf and poppler live together on the same

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