On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 11:28:17PM -0500, Chandler Carruth wrote:
> It occurs to me that this could be (to an extent) accomplished by having
> a few more "specialized" subprofiles for x86: base, desktop, gnome, and kde.
> base - as the name implies, a _basic_ starting point... very similar to
> server profiles, etc. veeery minimal.
> desktop - almost identical to the current USE flags -- what Joe Q. User
> "should" have to be safe, and have programs function as expected.
> gnome / kde - slight specializations of the above to tailor the use
> flags for one desktop environ or the other..
> Problems?
> 1) heavier usage and depth of the profile, making where things come in
> more and more obscure.
> 2) could lead to proliferation of environment tailored "desktop"
> derivatives. (xfce, fluxbox, the list could go on) This may not be a
> problem as many distros have successfully divided between KDE and Gnome,
> and the base / desktop profiles would allow users ways to customize, as
> always.
> 3) there is _no_ functionality added by any of this, only
> "user-friendliness" after a fashion, and as such, perhaps it should all
> be chucked in favor of having users competently declare their own global
> USE flags during the install, however I doubt that'll get very far. *shrug*
4) need for the ability to inherit multiple parent profiles.

Otherwise, x86 desktop profile is not guranteed in anyway to reflect 
sparc desktop profile (yes, somewhat the case now).

A gnome desktop profile would make sense imo, but from a work 
standpoint is totally dependant on ability to inherit multiple 


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