26.12.2005, 19:36:23, Joe McCann wrote:

> On Mon, 2005-12-26 at 17:57 +0100, Jakub Moc wrote:

>> eds - please, fix the ebuilds properly instead of throwing the thing on
>> everyone. This has already caused numerous invalid bugs with people
>> wondering why the heck portage wants to emerge gnome with USE="-gtk -gnome"

> For the record, the eds flag was added as a default flag because every 3rd
> gnome user would file bugs or complain via forums because they installed
> gnome, found no evolution-data-server integration, and then be bummed when
> they had to recompile packages again. This whole thread seems to have come
> from a misunderstanding of how use.defaults work and 20 min of boredom.

OK, so because every 3rd gnome user is not able to add the proper use flag
to make.conf, every non-gnome user is stuck with investigating and putting
-eds into make.conf to avoid pulling in gnome crap. Wonderful.

Yes, I am ranting, because this kind of use flags basically pulls in huge
number or unwanted dependencies; exactly the same thing with motif - would
someone explain why the heck do do we need this thing in make.defaults?

I don't think that this discussion will lead somewhere, so - anyone cares to
add a non-bloated x86 profile (basically, something like
profiles/hardened/x86/2.6 minus the hardened stuff) so that people who don't
want all this bloat can have a sane starting point?

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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