Hi all

It is with deep regret that I want to inform you about my decision to step
down from the position of Gentoo Documentation lead. 

Over the years, the Gentoo Documentation Project has grown, evolved and
matured to what it is today: a well functioning documentation-machine
devoted to the ongoing development and maintenance of Gentoo's
documentation. Many resources are referring to our documentation to show
others how things should be done.

Such appreciation isn't due to a single individual, but because of an entire
team of coördinators, editors, authors, translators and contributors. In my
time as translator (first), editor (second) and lead (until present) I have
always appreciated the friendlyness and helpfulness of this entire

In my position as documentation lead, I tried to keep the project on track,
managing subprojects where possible and help shed some light on obscure or
difficult problems that arose during the documentation development (no,
"editing" isn't all that the GDP does). I hope that I did this well, at
least I have not heard differently.

However, leading a project also requires high availability; e-mails should
be followed-up quickly, conversations with team members must happen (even if
not scheduled), hotfixes must be committed as soon as possible, etc. When I
was a student, free time wasn't scarce (I didn't follow that much lectures -
yes, "bad, bad me") so I could devote much time to Gentoo.

Lately, because my work now doesn't leave me much time (not that the work is
extremely demanding, but it's 2.5h away from home and I don't have Internet
access on the train), I found myself in a position where I wasn't able to
talk to my fellow GDP (and other Gentoo) developers or contribute to the
interesting topics in #gentoo or other Gentoo related chat channels.

This situation won't improve much in the first few months, or perhaps even
year, until I settle somewhere more closely to my job. For this reason, I
have decided not to take on the lead position anymore.

I will remain a member of the Gentoo Documentation Project, hacking away at
guides such as that bootstrapping one and the Gentoo Handbook, but I hand
the coördination over to Xavier Neys who was virtually leading the GDP
anyway and does seem to find a good balance between real-life and
Gentoo-life :)

For those who wonder, this shouldn't affect any other responsibilities I
have within Gentoo, including Foundation and Council, as most of that work
happens off-line anyway or at scheduled IRC meetings. However, I can imagine
that some developers voted for me for my position rather than my person. If
there is a (large) demand for it, I have no problems in attempting to get
re-elected for those positions (or stepping down if I am not).

With kind regards (yes, that's what "Wkr" stands for),

    Sven Vermeulen

  Gentoo Foundation Trustee          |  http://foundation.gentoo.org
  Gentoo Council Member  

  The Gentoo Project   <<< http://www.gentoo.org >>>

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