On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 15:33:18 -0800 Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 09:54:06PM +0000, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| > On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 13:48:45 -0800 Zac Medico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > wrote:
| > | I wish you'd reconsider, because I was looking forward to multiple
| > | repository support.
| > 
| > Well, if Portage ever gets multiple repository support, then news
| > clients can be updated to handle it. The GLEP says that already.
| Care to clarify how that transition is going to occur?
| Your proposal, if you know a roadblock is coming down the line I 
| expect it to be documented in the glep (with potential suggestions
| how to minimize the horkage).
It'll probably just be a case of updating news clients to query Portage
somehow for a list of repository IDs and using appropriately named news
files. Hard to say for sure without details of how exactly multiple
repository support will work though -- for example, if you're going to
allow fancy characters in repository names then some kind of name
mangling standard will need to be defined.

| If you're going to create and dump a mess on us, I expect it to be in 
| the proposal- especially since your proposal is intrinsically portage 
| bound.

There's very little that's Portage bound. As originally requested, I've
tried to keep as much as is reasonably possible *out* of Portage...

| Thing that's daft out of all of this time wasting is that what's
| being asked of you is a couple of portageq calls so that we're not 
| screwed over by a feature.  Something along the lines of...
| portageq get_repo_id path # helper method of getting repo_id for a
| path (dar) portageq match root atom [repo-id] # method of limiting
| matching of vdb to a specific source repo
| portageq newsdir repo_id  # get the absolute news path for said id.

You're asking me to guess how Portage multiple repository support will
work, and then ask for a bunch of changes to Portage to support
appropriate dummy functions. Unless you're prepared to commit
yourselves to saying "multiple repository support will work like
$blah", I'm not going to even think about asking you to restrict
yourselves to a particular implementation...

Especially since you've said "we're not doing it the way you think it
should work"...

| If it's too slow, I'd suggest since it's your proposal, looking for a 
| method to batch up the calls (modularization of portageq would be 
| required, which is available in the dead ebd branch already).  Tricks 
| of that sort are easily implemented, and don't require specs and
| gleps (just requires someone to do a minor bit of work).

That's not likely to be a major performance hit... We're not expecting
the user to have more than a few repositories, are we?

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (I can kill you with my brain)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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