On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 11:14 -0500, Jeffrey Forman wrote:
> To all,
> Once again, it's time to attempt the bugzilla-2.20 upgrade on
> bugs.gentoo.org. I've tested this at home, and spoken to the bugzilla
> maintainers and it seems the issue I had earlier with the upgrade is
> easily remedied. I've spoken with a few dev's and plan to do the upgrade
> at Noon EST on Friday, December 16th. 
> For the time zone challenged.:
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=12&day=16&year=2005&hour=12&min=0&sec=0&p1=179
> I plan to give a ONE HOUR window for this upgrade, since the mysql
> changes from 2.18 to 2.20 are pretty invasive and I want to give more
> than enough time for the fix, without rushing it. Hopefully it should be
> less than that, but I prefer not to tempt fate.
> I'll be in #gentoo-bugsupgrade from now through the upgrade to keep
> those posted who wish to watch the play-by-play. I will send out a
> one-hour reminder on Friday to alert those of this impending downtime.

Here is your 30 minute warning


Jeffrey Forman
Gentoo Infrastructure
Gentoo Release Engineering
Bugs.Gentoo.org Administrator

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