Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > We don't avoid marking stable code
> > that, say, mallocs lots of space, then fills it with some calculated
> > numbers (for example, the first million prime numbers), even though a
> > better program would allow for that data to be shared.
> no one said that broken code with TEXTRELs cannot be marked stable
> they're something to be fixed down the road as time permits

This I completely agree with, but was not what was being pushed as policy for
the x86 arch team.  If a package reintroduces textrels or such, I don't see
the problem with marking it stable personally.  The issues listed don't seem
to warrant that.

Mark Loeser   -   Gentoo Developer (cpp gcc-porting toolchain x86)
email         -   halcy0n AT gentoo DOT org
                  mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -   http://dev.gentoo.org/~halcy0n/

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