On Saturday 10 December 2005 18:13, Lance Albertson wrote:
> I think we'll be able to work out the anonymous CVS access soon, however
> it will not be implemented as stated in the GLEP.

exact spec in the GLEP was more of an idea ... anon cvs is available -> OK

> On the other point, infra has serious issues trying to manage a
> subdomain for email addresses.  This part of the GLEP we cannot
> implement and we ask the GLEP authors to come up with a better solution.
> Either we give them an alias that recruiters can manage, or we don't do
> anything. The logistical headache of managing moving people around is
> too much of a hassle for us to deal with.

i would still vote for the subdomain e-mail addresses

> Of course, all of these points would have made it into the GLEP *if* it
> had been posted with plenty of time for people to comment on it instead
> of one day.

harping on this old point solves nothing.  we've already established quite 
clearly that this will not happen again in the future.
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