A friend of mine just alerted me to the fact, that I am featured in
this weeks Gentoo Weekly News. Odd, I thought, noone had asked me
anything regarding the GWN...

So I fired up a web browser and there it was - first section in the
GWN [1]. Seems the GWN authors have read my blog entry [2] and decided
to bring their own version of it to the public.

* The GWN talks about WiFi Protected Access (WPA). My Blog talks about
  IEEE 802.11/wired authentication in general.

* The GWN talks about "my plans" for deprecating xsupplicant. My blog
  doesn't say anything about this.

* The GWN talks about removing xsupplicant from Gentoo Portage. My
  blog certainly doesn't say anything about this.

* The GWN doesn't even link to my blog entry, from which they must
  have gotten the initial idea for this article, thus not allowing
  their readers to see that the information provided is incorrect.

Now, why wasn't I contacted prior to quoting my blog in the GWN? A
simple "will this be ok?" kind of mail would have sufficed. I could
have pointed out the wrong assumptions in the article before it was
spread to thousands of users world wide, and instead we could have had
a concise article which reflected the truth.

Instead I now face the possibility of being flamed in my inbox for "my
plans to remove xsupplicant from Gentoo Portage". I've already been
approached twice on IRC about these "plans"...

I suggest that in the future, all developers who are directly quoted
in the GWN are contacted prior to posting the quotes. I realize that
this will put a bit more work load on the GWN authors, but it should
be as simple as sending a mail with the relevant section quoted for
the developer to accept.


[1]: http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20051128-newsletter.xml
Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Metadistribution | Mobile computing herd

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