On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 14:14 -0700, Duncan wrote:
> Chris Gianelloni posted
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
> Wed, 23 Nov 2005 15:29:15 -0500:
> > On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 13:06 -0700, Duncan wrote:
> >> From an outside perspective, I'm sure it's amazing and crass that USians
> >> see nothing unusual about the national holiday of thanks being directly
> >> followed by the biggest day of commercial greed in the entire year, as
> >> the opening day of the biggest season of commercial greed, obsensibly as
> >> preparation for the day of celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the
> >> man seen as the Son of God, and quoted as saying it's easier for a camel
> >> to pass thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into
> >> paradise!  Interesting commentary on our culture!
> > 
> > What the hell does this have to do with Gentoo development?
> About the same as the original reference to "after the Thanksgiving
> holiday" which prompted the question to which it is a reply, which was in
> the context you snipped.  As such, certainly as much or more than
> oblique references to harems and goats and people's butts (well, unless
> there's something about Gentoo development I don't know about, yet <g>),
> all topics that have come up in passing on the list, just as this
> did, without this question being asked of those posters.
> It may be possible to automate code creation, but it's not possible to
> automate a community, and humans in such a community /don't/ tend to stay
> strictly on topic. That's just the way humans are, and have been for far
> longer than either you or I have been around.

Your either high or in need of a blog.

Gentoo Linux

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