On Wednesday 23 November 2005 07:40, Curtis Napier wrote:
> Aarons design uses a smaller default font, that is not acceptable from
> an accessibility POV. The main font is at 1em and all cursory fonts
> multipliers of 1em. The main font will remain at 1em which is the
> standard for the accessibility guidelines. If you don't like the
> standard font size every single graphical browser offers a font zoom
> capability, use it.

First of all, this new design looks already a lot better. Then, I can see 
your point about the font sizes. However, if you want to aid people with 
bad eyesight, wouldn't it be a better solution to follow the browser's 
default size. That way the page shows the prefered user size regardless 
of being zoomed or not.


ps. I also found two graphical glitches:
- There is a misterious white bar just below the overview bar (see 
- The corners of the jump pads do not have the proper background color 
(see ws2.png)

pps. Maybe have the "design by Aaron Shi" actually point to his homepage

Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

Attachment: ws1.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: ws2.png
Description: PNG image

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Description: PGP signature

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