On Tue, 2005-11-22 at 09:54 -0600, Lance Albertson wrote:
> > As I am now not only the Release Engineering lead, but also the x86
> > Release Coordinator, I am fielding nearly 100% of these issues.
> > 
> If you are that overworked, perhaps you should find more people to help
> with releng and the duties you have? I've been in a similar position as
> yourself where its hard to find good quality folks that stick around,
> and then you get used to doing everything yourself. I haven't seen any
> emails asking for help or people for releng. This is the first I've
> heard of your troubles with not having adequate time for all the duties
> you do yourself.

Really?  Did you read -core on October 27th?

Also, the problem is not so much needing manpower for testing as far as
Release Engineering is concerned.  It is instead having some method in
place where devs actually perform QA on their own packages.  A prime
example of this is bug #110383.  I was always under the impression that
if you were adding a flag to a package that affected "system" that it
was your responsibility to ensure that "system" still works, rather than
passing it off onto the Release Engineering team.  Now, I don't know
what package it is that is pulling in hal for this user, so it most
likely is not hal's fault, but it illustrates the point perfectly.

> If you need help, please ask for it and at least try and get some of
> that load off of you so that we don't take things out of gentoo simply
> because of the lack of time.

I did.

I got exactly *0* responses.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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