Good job!

Shows nice on Firefox 1.0.7, Opera 8.5 and Konqueror 3.4.1!

I don't know if you are accepting suggestions, but I have a few "usability" ones:

- The top blue bar(s) is too much big. In a 1024x768 screen it takes almost half the showing page. Maybe decreasing the size of the "second" bar (the one with detailed BG) and it's contents can be helpful. There are lots of empty spaces inside this bars.

- The bottom menus are very nice but I think they are in the wrong place. The natural human being will search for all the site menu items on the top or "first" page (without scrolling). The rule in this case is to put all menu items in one place, or, if this items need to be separated, so organize and group related items. "Docs" in the top then "documentation" right bellow and "Documentation" on the bottom again is a waist of space, don't you think?

That was just a few suggestions. Sorry for my "english" writing. It's not my native language.


2005/11/21, Curtis Napier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This has been cross posted to gentoo-dev and www-redesign.

After receiving a ton of very useful feedback from the developer
community I have updated the redesign. It should now be closer to 100%
accessible and it should (hopefully) render perfectly in all browsers
including text only browsers. It now passes XHTML and CSS validation tests.

I'm asking for everyone (developers and users alike) to please have a
look at the updated site and send any feedback you may have. I'm
especially interested in feedback from anyone who uses accessibilty
programs such as screen readers or if you are color blind or have any
other accessibilty issues.

Also, I only use GNU/Linux and I have only tested on the following browsers:

Internet Explorer-6 under CrossOver Office
Links-2.1 in text mode and graphics mode.

If you have access to a Macintosh, Windows, *BSD or any other OS or
Browser please test the site and include your OS and the browser version
in your feedback. I haven't received feedback from Konqueror or Safari
so feedback from those browsers would be much appreciated.

The only major outstanding issue is the contents of the menu in the grey
bar at the top and what should appear in the 5 purple boxes directly
under them. Currently I have that menu listed in order of what a new
Gentoo user would need to access first. If you have a better idea of
what should be included in this menu or think something important is
being left out please send that in your feedback as well.

Thanks in advance

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