Bryan Ãstergaard wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 06:26:28PM -0600, Brian Harring wrote:
>>On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 11:04:44PM +0000, Kurt Lieber wrote:
>>>>The problem is in detection- an infra issue that could be solved by 
>>>>either allowing normal devrel people to run the detection scripts 
>>>>themselves (rather then asking infra to do so)
>>>First I've heard of this request.  Has a bug been submitted for it?  It's
>>>easy enough to set up some cron jobs to run scripts and email output to an
>>>alias or mailing list.  
>>Only the usual irc infra requests (will take that comment as 
>>indication it's time to open a bug).
> I'm currently retiring a somewhat large portion of inactive devs. I
> don't use solars script as it doesn't work correctly in some cases. This
> has been discussed several times on #-infra together with the need for
> checking bugzilla activity. I've fixed the bugzilla activity using a
> slightly hackish php script that pulls activity directly from the
> database for now but it should probably be cleaned up a bit. My biggest
> problem really is checking cvs/svn activity right now because of the
> aforementioned bug that more or less forces me to use 'cvs history'.
> I'll file a bug or two with my requirements later today so it can be
> handled in a more orderly fashion.

I think we've fixed some of those issues with solar's script. You just
need to look at the list and make your assumptions. The script is great
to spitting out a list that you can look it. Its not 100%, but its good
enough to at least use.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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