The Specs giving were for the new dev box, not the projected CVS/SVN
box.  I think the wire got crossed somewhere along the way.
On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 06:31 +0100, Lars Weiler wrote:
> * Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05/11/19 22:50 -0600]:
> > Yeah, we defiantly could use a beefy new server for CVS/SVN. Just make
> > sure you chat with robbat2/Pylon on the specifics for the requirements.
> > I believe the main thing they wanted was lots of ram.
> CVS/SVN doesn't need much CPU load or even several CPUs and
> also we don't need a lot of disk-space.  But our setup could
> make use of a lot of fast RAM and a nice RAID (which we
> don't have at the moment).
> So specs are:
> - ~3GHz Xeon
> - 4-6GB of RAM
> - RAID-5 or -10 with u320 disks (for the actual data, 20GB
>   would be enough for the next years)
> - a very good network-connection
> Regards, Lars
Lares Moreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  | LRU: 400755
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