On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 14:09 -0500, Jeffrey Forman wrote:
> Users and Dev's Alike,
> With the past release of bugzilla 2.20, it is once again time to upgrade
> our bugzilla (http://bugs.gentoo.org) to the latest release. I have been
> working on getting our test installation (http://bugstest.gentoo.org) up
> to standards of our current bugzilla, implementing patches and other
> customizations to it. Now I need the general population to login, test
> it, and alert me of any show stopping issues.

I want to thank the astute dev jkt for alerting me to the fact that
HTTPS://BUGS.GENTOO.ORG is NOT the test installation. Bugstest is ONLY
available via standard http, NOT https.

Live install:

Test install (this is what I would like users/devs to test)

Sorry about any possible confusion that might have caused,


Jeffrey Forman
Gentoo Infrastructure
Gentoo Release Engineering
Bugs.Gentoo.org Administrator

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