On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 18:11 +0000, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:02:43 -0600 Homer Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> |     I uploaded it the end of last week. Looks to be updated on
> | the web site.
> Hrm, but you didn't post it to -dev for discussion?

        If you wish, here it is. Made the changes the council asked for is all.

Homer Parker
Gentoo/AMD64 Team
Gentoo/AMD64 Arch Tester Strategic Lead
Gentoo Developer Relations
GLEP: 41
Title: Making Arch Testers official Gentoo Staff
Version: $Revision: 1.3 $
Last-Modified: $Date: 2005/11/11 18:42:27 $
Author: Simon Stelling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 7-Sep-2005
Post-History: 15-Sep-2005


Arch Testers should be treated as official Gentoo staff.


Since Mike Doty (kingtaco) created an Arch Tester (AT) project in January 2005
to reduce the developer's load and the amount of open keywording bugs for the
amd64 porting team, many users have volunteered to become ATs. They are doing
a fair share of everyday's work to keep the amd64 and ppc trees up to date.
While they spent many hours and even had to pass the staff quiz, they are
currently not recognized as official members of Gentoo.


ATs should basically be treated as staff. This includes the following changes
to the current situation:

- Get a @(subdomain_to_be_determined).gentoo.org email address. The email
  address will just be an alias, and will be forwarded to their @gentoo.org
  address if they go on to become a Gentoo developer.
- Get read-only access to the gentoo-x86 repository. This doesn't have to be
  individual accounts, a single account, without a shell, with all of their 
  keys will be sufficiant.

There will be a 30 day probationary/mentoring period for new ATs.The lead AT/HT
for arch/herd will be responsible for the mentoring period. If arch/herd
doesn't have a Lead AT/HT, then either the arch/herd lead or the Strategic AT
Lead will be responsible. The Lead AT is a seasoned developer that watches for 
recruits and mentors ATs. Additionally, the mentoring period should be 
to a minimum of two weeks if an AT wants to take the end quiz to become a 
assuming he has been AT for at least two weeks. The amd64 porting team has 
situations like this for a while and only made positive experiences.

Also, the idea of an arch tester as a trustworthy user who is able to test
critical changes (such as hard masked software branches), could be expanded
to other herds. These 'ATs' wouldn't be called arch testers as the 'arch' is
irritating, instead, herd tester (HT) could be used.

As arch testers (and herd testers) become official staff, they should be
handled by DevRel.

Since ATs don't want to have to handle the big 'communication overhead'
normally, they won't be subscribed to the gentoo-core mailing list and won't
be able to vote.

Backwards Compatibility

All current active arch testers should be migrated.


This document has been placed in the public domain.

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