Marius Mauch wrote: [Fri Nov 11 2005, 11:40:53AM CST]
> Things that I'd like to be changed/I'm not completely sure about:
> - filtering of news items:
>   I've already asked a similar question in another mail (in other
> context) without an answer, but how many news items do people believe
> will exist at any given time? Depending on the actual implementation it
> might be required to scan all existing news items which could take some
> time if there is a large number of them (say, more than a few hundred)
> It's clear that noone can present accurate numbers, just after some
> rough estimates here.

The GLEP sets the bar pretty high for what should be a significant news
item, so my extremely rough guess is that 30/year would be on the quite
high side.  Ideally this system should extend, not supplant, the normal
einfo/ewarn notices.  (Um, what is the status of the einfo/ewarn message
system that went into CVS.  Any ETA on when it's going to be back-ported
to current portage?  I could see where there might be a tendency to
abuse the news system if the messaging stuff is still unavailable.)

> Also it might be useful for this filtering to be an external tool using
> portage functions and called by portage (see also below). Although this
> could be considered an implementation detail as it's mostly transparent
> for ebuild devs/users.

I'm not quite sure what you're saying here.

> - local storage of news items / "read" attribute:
>   I don't really the like the copy-if-new feature and handling at the fs
> level, I'd use a file that lists the ids of news items (potentially
> with a timestamp and/or status field). I don't see any benefits of
> having redundancy here, and accessing the news in $PORTDIR is simple
> enough. Granted race conditions might be an issue (where the solution
> complicates tools), but that's so minor I wouldn't really care about
> it. 

My impression was that ciaranm was thinking of using something akin to a
Maildir mailbox to hold and handle news items, because then one can
leverage an insane amount of existing stuff.  *Shrug*  I also wouldn't
object to a flat list of pointers to relevant files.

> Another thing that's unclear: "Whenever relevant unread news items are
> found, emerge will copy or symlink the news file into
> /var/lib/gentoo/news/." 
> This "Whenever ... are found" is too vague, should this apply to emerge
> --sync, any emerge operation, any "import portage" call or what? This
> isn't just an implementation detail. 

I was going to say that the only way new news items could appear is
during an emerge --sync, but of course that's not true for people who
either add an overlay or use CVS.  I'd be comfortable with making it run
only at --sync time, or if it were triggered explicitly (--check-news,
or some such).  

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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