On Friday 04 November 2005 02:43, Nathan L. Adams wrote:
> Brian Harring wrote:
> > Not necessarily the website imo, some central store where it's pushed
> > out to all of the locations though (which I suspect you're getting
> > at).
> I forgot to clarify one point. I'm saying that http://errata.g.o/
> should be the *official* source where users go to find the info, not
> neccessarity the place where the raw data is stored and pushed to other
> places (although it certainly could be).

I'm saying that /usr/portage/news should be the *official* source where 
users should go to find the info. http://erata.g.o would be a secondary 
source, that while officially supported, is not the main source. 

The reason is that errata.g.o would not be able to offer the same user 
experience as emerge --news would. errata.g.o does NOT know about the 
local system (nor should it), and thus might be bloated with unneeded 
information. When I'm working at updating a system, I'm not interested in 
knowing that winex-cvs has been removed at transgaming's request (old 
news, as example). If however I was someone using winex-cvs, I'd be very 
interested. See the point.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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