That works, I suppose my point was, if you are going to be adminning
from a box with a webbrowser anyways, why not just use that
aforementioned webbrowser to check www.g.o? what is the benefit of
news/ over that?

On 10/31/05, Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Oct 2005 21:08:19 -0500 Dan Meltzer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | WRT links in file updates, this seems completely backwards.  If a user
> | was admining over ssh, it would be far easier for them to load www.g.o
> | in their browser vs. copying link from terminal to their browser, but
> | for that matter, why is ssh relevent wrt links in files, but not when
> | we are talking about it being lightweight?  If a user is not expected
> | to have a browser to recieve the news, how can they be expected to
> | have one to view doc's about it.
> The user isn't expected to have a browser on the system on which the
> news item is being displayed. For example, I have a router box which
> does not have lynx or X or anything like that which would still be
> generating news item hits -- expecting me to install a browser on that
> system to read HTML or XML content is unreasonable. However, admin work
> on the router is done over ssh, and it's trivial to copy and paste a
> link from the output of some command on a remote box into a firefox
> window on my desktop.
> Perhaps I should add a note that news items should not simply be of a
> "see this link" form, and that any links which are used should only be
> for reference, not the primary source...
> --
> Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Vim, Shell tools, Fluxbox, Cron)
> Mail            : ciaranm at
> Web             :

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