Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 16:42 +0900, Chris White wrote:
>>3) I think it would be a good idea for gentoo-announce to also include front 
>>page announcements.  This would work well for people that are more email 
>>oriented (they use email a lot for business) and would keep things 
>>centralized for them.  This would also be best promoted on the front page, 
>>maybe stickied in some form or another.
> Funny enough, we are working on a mailing list reform GLEP and one of
> the main things we had added was the increase in usage of
> gentoo-announce to send off *all* important information to our users,
> rather than just using it for release announcements and GLSA, which is
> all that currently traverses the list.

Outside of a few things, I think this should be the case most of the
time. I'm not sure why this hasn't been done in the past, but it seems
like a good idea to me.

>>So in conclusion, front page should get more updates, which would propigate 
>>rss, and maybe link gentoo-announce to the front page as well.
> I think having front-page news automatically sent to gentoo-announce
> would be pretty cool.

Eh, I don't like this idea :-) The idea of having an automated task
sending mail to a list with >15K subscribers worries me a bit. Perhaps a
better system of sending these announcements to one place and then the
pr team (or who ever) does the posting at both places.

> I'm going to say as much on our ML reform "list" and add you to the CC.

Is lcars on this "list" ? If not, I really think he should be since he's
the current maintainer of the mailing lists and knows the
limitations/capabilities of the software.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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