currently i'm the only active developer in net-p2p herd, which is really
uncomfortable for me (not mentioning about situation if i'll be away for
few weeks). i need at least 2 developers (preferably with java knowledge,
becouse i do not know java at all, but it's not obligate) for help with 
testing and maintaining stuff. we already have 76 application in net-p2p 
and only few of them are maintained by individual developers. we also have
many requests for new packages, but i won't add anything into tree as far 
as i'm alone here.
there's not much work in p2p right now - i've already fixed most bugs
and these, which are opened are mainly requests for new packages and
versions bumps, but as i've written - maintaining so many packages is
just to much for one person...

PS: i won't recruit new developers (well i even can't yet propably;>).
this mail is adressed to existing devs, who may have some free time and 
are willing to help


   . . Marcin Kryczek  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .RLU: #316599 . .
  . . Gentoo Linux Developer.  .  .  .  .  .  .mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] . .  
 . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .PGP: 0xD6CFCCF1 . .    
. Key Fingerprint: EE8F E832 54E4 2456 C582 5B32 E10F EEDC D6CF CCF1 . 

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