R Hill wrote:
> Dan Meltzer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a frequenter of #gentoo-*, as many of you know :)
>> Tonight, hanging out in #gentoo, I observed a huge amount of incorrect
>> information once again.. tonight about profiles, cascading and all
>> that jazz, which to be honest is fairly undocumented.  I decided to
>> give a miniclass on how it worked.  ferringb and antarus sat in, and
>> it was just an off the cuff information/QA session.
>> Okay, so that worked, but then I got to thinking, why not do these
>> fairly regularly?  I do not profess to know enough to hold them about
>> a large amount of topics, but I think this could surely supplant the
>> current documentation process.  Here is basic rundown and example.
>> Developer A decides to speak about a specific aspect of portage, the
>> discussion is announced on lists and in gwn a week or so in advance.
>> The discussion could take place in a channel such as #gentoo-class,
>> and logged.  The developer would cover it as he saw fit, and then have
>> a Q/A period after.  The entire class is logged, and added to the
>> website on a publically accessible page.  If the docs team thinks its
>> a useful subject, they could translate into a more formal page, and
>> use the logs for reference, if not, it would still be availible
>> information to anyone wishing to read it.
>> My thoughts are this would be best suited to Gentoo-specific things,
>> portage, gentoo's infrastructure, baselayout, anything else
>> ideosynconatic (sp?).  But, I suppose it could be on anything if the
>> developer so wished.
>> Ideas? thoughts? comments?
>> Lets hear em :)
> I think quick-basics tutorials like this would be a great addition to
> GWN, but if the IRC Q&A format works then I say go for it.

The problem with tutorials is you get a limited view of the one or two
people writing it.  At least with the IRC Q&A you get some "real world"
questions.  Granted, I wasn't too impressed with the first gentoo-class
that was held, but it was horribly impromptu and there were only 7 people ;)

Alec Warner (Antarus)
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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