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Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> I don't intend to maintain these myself (I speak a couple of other
> languages well enough to verify that the package works, but I'd rather
> not get involved any further), but I'd like to make it easy for
> non-Vim-herd people to do so. Naming-wise, vim-spell-${two letter
> language code} seems sanest.

> * Will there be sufficient interest from other developers to make this
> worthwhile?

> * Is anyone going to get upset about the character set decisions?

I'm really interested in a Greek dictionary. That would prove very
useful. About the character set, as far as it doesn't break documents,
there would be no problem.

> * Does anyone think we should make users build spell lists from source,
> even though it can require several GBytes of RAM?

Instad of the use flag thing, I'd first ask if there is any sort of
costumization on the dictionary. If there are no customization options,
I see it pointless to have to build it from source.

- --
Ioannis Aslanidis

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