On Thursday 22 September 2005 11:23, Ervin Németh wrote:
> But how?
> If I do a "du -hc /usr/lib/lib*.a | tail -n1", it shows 63M. And I
> really don't need them.
> Why INSTALL_MASK="*.a" is bad?
>   * It would break bash, because the ebuild expects a static libcurses.
>   * It would not save compile time. I would really appreciate if gtk+
> compiled twice as fast.
> Solution?
> For automake packages it is as simple as giving a --disable-static to
> configure.
> Any thoughts?

Certain packages require static libs, but indeed for many they could be 
left out.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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