On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 09:21 -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 07:28 -0500, Albert Hopkins wrote:
> >      2. Are metadata.xml files a requirement for categories?  There are
> >         a few categories that do not have one:
> >               * x11-proto
> >               * x11-apps
> >               * x11-drivers
> They should have one.

Ok, then I will submit a bug report to have them added.

> >      3. If a metadata.xml has a <longdescription> element, is it
> >         required to contain text?  There is at least one package that
> >         has an empty <longdescription>.  I wanted to use the
> >         <longdescription> to override the DESCRIPTION in the .ebuild, if
> >         it exists, but in this case the DESCRIPTION is actually
> >         infinitely longer than the <longdescription>.
> It should contain text, but I don't think that the dtd requires it.
> Perhaps it should?

Admittedly, I have not read the DTD (must first learn *how* to read
DTDs), but I think if the element exists, it should have text or else
it's meaningless.

> >      4. Speaking of <longdescription>, are line breaks to be preserved
> >         in their representation?  There are a few packages whose
> >         <longdescription> use line breaks for formatting.  One in
> >         particular, gnustep-libs/steptalk  not only prefers to preserve
> >         line breaks, but also appears to prefer a fixed-width font in
> >         it's representation.  Is this also a requirement?
> As far as I know, there are few *requirements* defined for metadata.xml
> files.  All we really have is the dtd to determine what is legal.
> Anything beyond that really hasn't been discussed.
> Perhaps now is the time to start such discussions?

I think so.  There seem to be different formats for the
<longdescription> and I would hate to have to guess or make special
exceptions because I know I'll do it wrong (e.g. the Changelogs).  Would
prefer if there were a more strict definition so then at least I could
say it's not my fault ;-)

> > If anyone has answers to any of the above questions I thank you in
> > advance for your response.
> Just out of curiosity, what is your project?
This is for the new packages.gentoo.org.

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