1. Official confirmation that the council is inline with the already-defined roles of devrel and QA and its commitment to make already-approved GLEPs (including GLEP 31) respected (Clarification of position asked by many people including Ciaran McCreesh, Patrick Lauer and Lance Albertson)
Confirmed with the caveat that the council is not taking on disciplinary responsibilities. The QA team should take complaints regarding unresolved technical violations to devrel to pursue displinary action.
Regarding GLEP 31, the council is in favor of enforcement ASAP, provided nano is confirmed to be capable of compliance. That will set the bar to require UTF-8 capable editors for portage work.
(note: agenda reordered per request)
3. glep40: Standardizing "arch" keywording across all archs Vote asked by Grant Goodyear
2. glep33: Eclass Restructure/Redesign Vote asked by Brian Harring
4. Discussion of the next meeting date(s)
2nd Thursday of each month, 1900UTC. Rain date of 3rd Thursday.
5. Open Q&A session
Full meeting log available at http://gentoo.org/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20050915.txt Please post follow-ups to gentoo-council ML (subscription required) Regards, Aron -- Aron Griffis Gentoo Linux Developer
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