On Tuesday 13 September 2005 15:52, Daniel Drake wrote:
> Frank Schafer wrote:
> > Does someone know if it's worth a try with the vanilla and if vanilla
> > here means a really vanilla from kernel.org or if it's sufficient to
> > get the (too patched and thus not so vanilla) vanilla-sources.
> vanilla-sources is not patched.
> > Please be kind with me regarding to the fact that I'm posting here.
> > On the gentoo mailing list I get only replies like: "You probably
> > have faulty memory." If THIS would be the fact the bug would show up
> > randomly in different ebuilds or at least at different lines of code.
> Faulty hardware can cause all kinds of unexplainable behaviour. Don't
> base your judgement on this.
> One final point, if you are running vesafb-tng and have >=1GB RAM then
> try turning off vesafb-tng for now.

You might also take a look at bug #20600 for an overview of all kinds of 
ICE errors.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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