Is this path going to be published somewhere or is this mail it?

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 01:08:06PM +0200, Francesco R wrote:
> cmd# ebuild /var/db/pkg/dev-db/mysql-4.1.14/mysql-4.1.14.ebuild config
This asks for a password, but not all passwords can be entered.
Specifically one with a ` in it fails =]

Also, when it outputs:
    "Check the password"
it is asking you to enter the password again. I wasn't sure how to
interpret this, because the password was shown on the screen so it might
have been asking me to verify it and type ok or something.

And here's a character case mismatch:
> --result-file=BACKUP_MYSQL_4.0.SQL
> cmd# cat backup_mysql_4.0.sql \


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Creator of BiteMe!       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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