On 9/5/05, Jason Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list would be better for this type of > query... Ok. I'll stop by gentoo-portage-dev next time :)
> Actually, there is a use. Presently, if your overlay has foo/bar-1.0 and the > main tree as foo/bar-1.1 you'll get the main tree's later version installed > even if you installed foo/bar-1.0 from your overlay. In my experience, this > is almost never what is actually wanted. There is another use. When report bugs to b.g.o, gentoo devs only take care of bugs that all dependencies are come from the main tree. Users mixed their environment with other overlays should check all dependencies before submitting to b.g.o or bugs will be resolved as wontfix. In case users use overlays, users would know what overlay ebuilds come from and contact overlays' authors instead of b.g.o. Not a big advantage though. -- Bi Cờ Lao -- gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list