Stephen P. Becker wrote: [Wed Aug 31 2005, 08:18:53AM CDT]
> We don't "live with that problem on MIPS" because it doesn't exist.  If 
> something doesn't work in one spot, we dont' stable keyword it...simple 
> as that.  Also keep in mind that for some stuff, we don't have to test 
> on both.  For example, we have no supported little endian machines that 
> are capable of running X, therefore, we don't care about testing X 
> there.  See how it works?

So, the basic suggestion is that x86 and amd64 would both use the same
keyword, but that for cases such as valgrind pre-3.0, which didn't work
at all on amd64, then those package are profile-masked, and there's 
separate amd64 and x86 profiles (as there are now) to handle those

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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