On Tuesday 23 August 2005 17:12, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> >
> > Wouldn't it better suit our needs to write a configuration program
> > that packages can feed some custom configuration questions, and that
> > then spits out something that can be used by the ebuilds. This would
> > allow offline configuration of ebuilds etc. And something that was
> > saved.
> This limits the possibilities of what can be done, no? For example,
> answers determining the following questions or the selection of
> questions based on how the package was installed. Indeed there could be
> different questions based on whether it appears to be an upgrade or
> fresh install.
> If the only benefits are being able to provide a consistent interface
> and "offline" configuration, I don't really see the effort being worth
> it. A usable interface abstraction can't really be created until the
> requirements are known (which they're not due to pkg_config being
> severely underused) and batched configuration can be done by creating a
> text file with answers and piping.

You're right. Such a program could anyway be used for most packages. That 
might currently be a better solution (and would limit the complexity of 
the program).


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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