Luca Barbato wrote:

>Christian Parpart wrote:
>>Using the "minimal" useflag for this - IMHO - is a misuse of the idea of 
>>"minimal" semantically - as I do understand minimal in a way like "don't 
>>overbloat me with patches and other feature additions"-alike.
>minimal is about keeping the package at the minimum, that means strip
>every feature that won't prevent it to run.
Maybe it's foggy for mysql usage, better suggestions (clientonly, libonly) ?

>>Do we have a general accepted gentoo policy for this?
>Usually the policy is "If the upstream has planned that we'll follow,
>otherwise no"
Upstream distribuite binaryes of only libraryes, in this direction it's
Build them from the source only libs is not deeply supported, see below.

>>And... any thoughts on this subject?
>I'd prefer to have those features enabled by useflag, sometimes (eg.
>qemu) I can split functionality in separated ebuild and use a metaebuild
>to let users merge both w/out major overhead.
>In your case a useflag IMHO would be enough since the situation require
>a particular setup and in the case the constraint changes won't be a
>problem rebuild a full mysql.
>The question is, does the mysql configure script have a "clientonly"
>and/or a "libraryonly" option?

there is an option for configure "--without-server" , but actually the
server is still build.
Take a look at >= dev-db/mysql-4.0.24-r2 for how "minimal" use flag is
basically it force some flag off and remove some files from the install.

>There were a client and server useflag discussion before.

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