On Sunday 07 August 2005 12:03, Ivan Yosifov wrote:
> Then the only fail-safe way to do it is to print a big red warning and
> pause for 10 seconds during ebuild emerge.
Probably is the better plan, looking for tc-arch = x86.

> Given the valgrind-3.0.0 
> keywords ( -* ~amd64 ~ppc ~x86 ) I guess most people on those arches
> have SSE anyway. AFAIK all amd64's have SSE, I don't know about ppc, and
> I doubt anyone is running Gentoo on i686.
Well ppc doesn't have SSE but I think the SSE stuff is limited to x86 arch 
anyway, All AMD64 cpu that I know of have SSE support, but there are many 
people running Gentoo non machines that does *not* support SSE, like 
Athlon-Thunderbirds. I was one of them before replacing the main box, and I'm 
still using the tbird for G/FBSD.
I know of people running it on 300MHz P2s (without SSE, too), so better avoid 
assuming that "nobody is running on a i686".. there still are i586 out there 
(and distcc or binary package creation from another machine can do the trick 
for them usually).

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò
Gentoo Developer - http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/
(Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, Gentoo/AMD64, Sound, PAM)

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