On Friday 05 August 2005 07:21, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Is anyone aware of any outstanding problems with the stricter find
> argument ordering required by findutils 4.2.20? xorg is no longer
> holding up 4.2.20 going stable -- are there any others?
> For those not aware of the problem, find must only be used in the
> following form:
>     find paths program-options search-options actions
> Older findutils versions would silently accept most orderings. Newer
> versions will either barf or make lots of noise.
> (Sidenote: the paths part is mandatory. Current findutils will default
> to the current directory if no path is provided, but other
> implementations and future findutils versions may exit with an error.)

I think portage has a one or two cases of this issue.

Jason Stubbs

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