Recent thread on vpopmail had a few developers make this comment
(quoting robbat2):

Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] VPopmail - SUID vchkpw

>In the absence of a proper QA team, users are some of the best
>large-scale QA available. All I'm asking for are reports that a package
>"Works for me". Try the ebuilds out, and send some feedback in.

I can't speak for other developers or herd maintainers, but if you have
been using a perl package that is ~arch masked and think its as good as
it gets, please file a 'bug' on bugzilla saying so. I've seen folks
lately doing it for amd64 keywording - yay! But we also need that kind
of feedback for mainstream keywording. Otherwise we get into the
situation that any dev has faced - you have a package ~arched, you use
it for a month or three, no problems, but then it languishes in ~arch
land because you don't have the gentle reminder that others think its
ready for prime time too.

I guess the drift I'm trying to making (and why I separated this out
from that longer thread) is to encourage the folks on this list, being a
development list and all, to please post on bugzilla for both the good
and the bad of any ~arch package your using - any feedback helps us
churn out a newer Gentoo for you faster ;)

Thanks for lending me your ears, collections is at the rear of the


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